Minimal adb and fastboot tool is a small utility created by shimp208 (xda developer) that allows you to install the latest version of adb and fastboot files on your computer without the need of installing the entire android sdk package.. As adb and fastboot both are a part of the android sdk package, only you to download the kit (which is over 500 mb) and then set up path variables, or the below-written methods can be used to install adb and fastboot driver on windows and mac os.. Microsoft windows adb setup. download the adb zip file for windows; tags adb fastboot how to linux mac tutorial windows windows 10. want more posts like this delivered to your inbox? enter.
Minimal adb and fastboot is a very small utility that let’s you easily install adb and fastboot on your computer. this windows installer was built by shimp208 at xda-developers to make it really easy to download and install these tools.. No preview available download. Download minimal adb and fastboot tool. the latest version of minimal adb and fastboot tool is v1.4.3.the developer has also provided a portable version of the tool, which can be used without the need for installation..